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Nigerians are urged to preserve national values by the information minister

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Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alhaji Mohammed Idris

The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alhaji Mohammed Idris says the present administration will continue to develop policies that promote National values and Orientation among the citizens.

He made this known at a grand reception organized by the Niger State Government to honour political gladiators from the state, on Saturday, September 9, 2023.

Alhaji Idris urged state governments to support the Federal Government in the project of reorienting Nigerians, for meaningful development.

The Minister said the ongoing disbursement of palliatives across the states will be a continuous exercise until the hardship being experienced by citizens as a result of fuel subsidy removal is addressed.

He said the Federal Government is conscious of the people’s needs, and the 8-point agenda was designed to address the leading socio-economic challenges and create jobs for the youth.

In his remarks, the Governor of Niger State, Mohammed Umar Bago, congratulated those who secured political positions at both the federal and state levels and urged them to be good ambassadors of the state.

He lauded the Federal Government’s plans to ameliorate the suffering of the citizens, promising that the state governors would play their part in ensuring that the palliatives reach the people.

Meanwhile, the Minister paid a visit to two former heads of state, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, and General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the Minister said the fatherly role they provided for this country will continue to be appreciated.

He informed them of the resolve of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to return Nigeria to its path of glory.

“The information portfolio is a tough job, having to market the image of government at a difficult time. I do not, however, doubt your capabilities, considering your media background, I’m sure you will do well.” General Abdulsalami noted.

General Abubakar congratulated President Tinubu for his administration’s 100 days in office and the Minister, on his appointment.

Reporting by Stanley Nwosu; Editing by Adeniyi Bakare




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Author: Rebecca Sullivan

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Name: Rebecca Sullivan

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Introduction: My name is Rebecca Sullivan, I am a bold, courageous, important, spirited, vivid, unreserved, frank person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.