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Why Has Bitcoin Been Blowing Up?

What's Behind the Bitcoin Bounce?

VIDEO: Is This The Start Of A 30% Bitcoin Correction? (BIG TRAP INCOMING)
Crypto Banter

Buying the cryptocurrency could get easier. Whether you should do is a different matter.

It’s never easy finding photos of something that doesn’t exist.

Photographer: Lam Yik/Bloomberg

Welcome to Money Distilled. I’m John Stepek. Every week day I look at the biggest stories in markets and economics, and explain what it all means for your money.

A quick scheduling note: I’m out of the office for the next two days, so there won’t be a newsletter tomorrow or Friday. I’ll be back on Monday, ahead of a week in which we get lots of housing market data plus a Bank of England interest rate decision.

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What's Behind the Bitcoin Bounce?


Article information

Author: Robert Garcia

Last Updated: 1702338122

Views: 987

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 99% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Robert Garcia

Birthday: 1980-09-19

Address: 536 Butler Avenue, Butlerton, MI 71992

Phone: +4895868527164147

Job: Civil Engineer

Hobby: Ice Skating, Video Editing, Playing Guitar, Telescope Building, Camping, Orienteering, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Robert Garcia, I am a risk-taking, candid, apt, resolute, dedicated, welcoming, accessible person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.